Seeds of the Blooded Fruit

I always wanted to tell stories whether it was through animation, game design, novels, etc. In my grad school journey I discovered that I could tell my stories as well as others through comics.

The Story So far...

After years of service on the Olympian homeworld, Celeste managed to escape that life in favor as a new one as an average venator. Venators are bounty hunters employed by the Nenarei Republic to handle targets they deem enemies of intergalactic peace. Now that Celeste is one of them, she makes a living going from planet to planet on her ship The Luna with her navigator Havi an Aesir prince and Radha an old drone from back home.

Draw With Rot

Through this YouTube series, I have adopted the practice of documenting the narrative as I create each page. This process allows me to gain a sense of the direction the story will take as the viewer gains access to and potentially comprehends the intricacies of the comic-making process.


Character Design